martedì 22 novembre 2011

what do you want in a wife or girlfriend

talking to my nephew gained by pairing up with his uncle, we came to talk about life as a couple. this nephew is very worldwise. his english is poor, but he gets around by using hands and feet comunicating with everyone. he is still living in ticino, but his view is very opened up. he has traveled around the world. we got into a personal discussion about being part of a couple. he is a smart looking guy. watches the way he dresses, and keeps in shape. the right guy if i would have a daughter and this daughter would not be his niece:). he is end twenties and i asked if he had a girlfriend, his answer was 'no'. all the girls from ticino he has gone out with, have been very disturbing about him meeting up with his friends. always badgering and being jealous. i told him get a dutch girlfriend! well, maybe it is only me between dutch girls, but i am am quite cool about laws between lovers. not that i would appreciate it if my big love would get himself a girl on the side, but i see that he has his needs to be in male company. last saturday we had an invitation for diner of one of his friends. and when i found i found out it was only male company, i just let him go by himself. ofcourse he could abuse the situation, but i believe he will not. my big love bought a big house up on top of a mountain more or less and there is lots to do. so most weekends he will be away and have some friends join him for work and play. i see that he needs male company as i need female company, and we have to let the other one go sometimes. this is not very customary in the relationships i see around me. there is often a payback requested. is this habitual in other countries? i think in holland people are more open to let the other one do what he/she needs, but maybe i am wrong.

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