Thanks to Rimke from the Facebook-page 'Nederlandse ondernemers in het buitenland', here I am again. At least I will give it a go. I love to write, but I think I loved what I wrote and no one else. Just a diary maybe? To have more people to maybe read my words, I should ofcourse accept all requests of friendship in FB and Linkedin, but I do not want people everywhere in my life, just there where I want them. So, in one way or another this blog should go a bit more viral, with help of persons passing it on to each other maybe. Anyway, back to Rimke. She is a journalist, writer and has a her own business to help Dutch entrepreneurs abroad. She has published a book in February of 2013 called 'Emigratiewijzer', Uitgeverij Personalia. The book had vey good reviews. Rimke has written a book for Dutch people who want to emigrate, and that are loads, to give them a good overview of what they need to prepare before leaving, what they can expect, health insurance, etc. On Dutch television there are different shows of people 'going abroad'. Leaving their Dutch homes and jobs, and very often without any knowledge of the new countries' legislation, language and other important stuff. I will be sitting there and gaping at whatever disaster is unwinding. This book should be on top of the list of things to buy before even thinking about changing the home stead. And contacting her via her website would definitely be a good idea. Rimke can help people and their activities abroad, to be more visible on the internet for example. And that is how she and I got in contact. First of all, on her FB-page a Belgian lady living in Hungary was looking for vegan beauty products. And that is just my cup of tea since April of 2013. So this lady and I got in contact, and within a week she became a partner in the network markting company I work with, we recommend product for a healthy body inside and out ( and FB Zo vers in Nederland). And then Rimke made a shout out on her FB-page to have your website reviewed by her, and receiving tips about how, what and why. And I thought, let me get a review from a professional, it definitely cannot hurt. She said what I had already thought 'put on a video of yourself on your website explaining why you love the products so much that you recommend to others, and how you became involved in the business'. I am not photogenic. I have to see with my youngest son, who has some friends which are gifted film makers, what I can do. And I have to contact my webpage guy, who is almost unreachable. Also by her I was complimented on my writing on my FB page 'Zo vers in Nederland', and she said 'why not blog about Ringana'. So this made me think and say 'yes, I will start blogging again'. It will be like before, but I will expand my writings. Just blogging about my products will not be funny and interesting, it will be a mix. In Dutch we say 'van de hak op de tak'. That is how my mind is wired. Straying from one story to another, with their connections only known to me. My getting back to my blog with much energy and words to spill, has also to do with the fact that I have not been to The Netherlands since September last year and my oldest son going on a five day trip to Amsterdam with his girlfriend. And having different friends living in Ticino who went there in the past twelve months, coming back ever so blisfully excited about this small metropole. It made me ever so melancholic. I planned with my friends and son, and made suggestions about what to visit. Amsterdam, where I lived for many years. My lingering plan for my next trip to home, was put into action straight away, first thing this morning. Cousine Christine will make my bed for just after Easter, and then I will just go with the flow. I have many people to see, but I do not feel like planning to much, except for meeting my Belgian Ringana partner during her vacation in Antwerpen and stopping at cousine Astrid's house in Boulay on the way back for a night. I start to ramble, even I acknowlegde that. Enjoy an easy Sunday.

Happy days with my mother. Sadly our last visit to Amsterdam Novembre 2010.
She passed away August 2011.
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